Environmental Health

Hazards & Toxics

We protect our community’s health from harmful substances.

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Air Quality

Burn Bans

Extreme Heat

WCPH Extreme Heat Flyer


Mold Guidance for All

Read through the Mold Guidance by Northwest Clean Air Agency to understand why mold problems start and who's responsible for fixing the problem.

For Renters

If you rent your home, you are covered by the Residential Landlord-Tenant Act (RCW 59.18). Northwest Justice Project's Your rights as a tenant in Washington State explains residential tenants and landlords' rights and responsibilities in Washington.

Mold problems in buildings are a result of water and moisture problems. Renters need to operate the heating and ventilation systems to reduce water condensation. Renters need to notify landlords promptly, in writing, of any water leaks or moisture problems. If there is a water leak or moisture problem, it should be fixed by the landlord. Your local building and code enforcement official may take action if building problems are not addressed - they won't respond to mold complaints, so it's important to stress the source of the water problem.

Visit a list of resources for those seeking information regarding residential landlord/tenant issues.

For Landlords

Landlords are responsible for maintaining rental units, including fixing building problems such as water leaks and ventilation or heating defects which may lead to moisture problems. Landlords must notify their tenants about the health hazards associated with exposure to indoor mold and ways to control mold growth in their dwelling units. Posting this information in a visible, public location at the dwelling unit property is allowed.

Wildfire Smoke

For the last several years, Whitman County has experienced wildfire smoke that has led to poor air quality, including days of "unhealthy for sensitive groups" or "unhealthy for everyone" rankings.

Annual preparations for wildfire smoke impacts can help Whitman County residents mitigate the effects of wildfire smoke on their health and daily routines.

Health effects from smoke can vary greatly from person to person.

Smoke contains tiny particles that are bad for your lungs, heart, sinuses and other parts of your body. Those with underlying medical conditions like asthma feel them the most. But everybody should pay attention to their own health when smoke is in the air.

WCPH air quality handout 2

Information last updated on